Phytovia Cotyl

Why Choose Phytovia Cotyl? Phytovia Cotyl is a fenugreek seed extract designed as a multi-species palatability and appetite botanical that is 100% natural. Phytovia Cotyl…
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Cibus 29

Why Choose Cibus 29? Cibus 29 is a flavour designed to enhance the aroma and overall attractiveness of feeds for young animal diets. Cibus 29…
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Mellis P+

Why Choose Mellis P+? Mellis P+ is a taste enhancer and attractant designed for livestock and young animal feeds. Unlike other taste enhancers and attractants…
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Mellitus 300

Why Choose Mellitus 300? Mellitus 300 is a taste enhancer and attractant designed for young piglet and calf starter feeds. Unlike other taste enhancers and…
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Cibus 23

Advancing the taste and attractiveness of livestock and young animal feeds.