Smaller inclusion and impactful performance. Maximize the effectiveness of feed for desired outcomes

Species Feeding Rate (KG/M.T.) Feeding Strategy*
Piglets 1.5 -2 Phase 1 & 2
Weaning - 8.0 KG BW
Piglets 1.0 - 1.5 Phase 3
8.0 - 12.0 KG BW
Piglets 0.5 -1.0 Phase 4 -
12.0 KG +
Broilers 1.0
10d - Market

*The Feed Table is intended only as a feeding guideline for the above product. Consultation with an experienced animal nutritionist is recommended for optimum results. Results will vary depending on the overall feed formulation, nutrient requirements of the species fed as well as the overall health status of the farm